Your support is crucial to the services we provide.
We receive an average of 5 requests a week.
Please help us to serve this unmet need.
Grahamtastic Connection is a recognized public charity under 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Tax Code and your contributions are deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

Your gift of any size supports hospitalized children. Here's how your gift could help:
$60.00 helps us make one month of Internet access possible for one child.
$180.00 helps us make three months of Internet access possible for one child.
$360.00 helps us make six months of Internet access possible for one child.
$500.00 helps us purchase a new iPad or laptop placed inside a backpack filled with fun accessories like blankets, toys, books, games, art supplies etc. We call these our "Backpacks Full of Joy".
$720.00 helps us make one full year of Internet access possible for one child.
$1,220.00 helps us purchase a new iPad or laptop in a Backpack Full of Joy and make one full year of internet access possible for one child.

To donate via Check:
Personal or company checks should be made
out to Grahamtastic Connection.
Please mail the check to
the below address:
Grahamtastic Connection
21 Bradeen Street,
Suite 107,
Springvale, ME 04083
To donate via Amazon:
and to order items and
ship the order directly to Grahamtastic